Monday, October 19, 2009

Arkansas Department of Higher Education

The Arkansas Department of Higher Education (ADHE) was created WHEN to coordinate higher education within the state and to promote orderly and effective development of each public college and university in the state. ADHE acts to promote higher education to train a more effective workforce that will encourage economic development within the state. The director, Dr. Jim Purcell, states that, “At ADHE, we understand that one of the barriers standing between many of our citizens and higher education is the process of finding an institution to attend, applying to that institution, and then figuring out how to pay for it.”

ADHE acts as a coordinator for courses across the state. For example, they are the organization that ensures the course called “College Algebra” means the same thing at each institution. In addition, there is a department of Institutional Finance within ADHE. This Department works with the finances offices of the public institutions in Arkansas. It compiles that data to provide reports about the State’s higher education financing to the general public, government officials, and college and university staff. Some of the recent publications are available at .

The Financial Aid division provides a list of the state scholarships that are administered through ADHE. This Division’s webpage aims to educate the public about the different scholarships that are available as well as the policies and procedures for attaining one of the scholarships. There is a scholarship listing is available at . (I was a recipient of one of these ADHE scholarships when I was an undergraduate, and I am grateful for their service!)

Arkansas Department of Higher Education (2009), Retrieved October 19, 2009 from .

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